Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Photo Hunt

This angle really compliments the dust and nastiness here at Kpoo. #dirtywindows

These new furniture sets are great at making teddy bear faces. #cuteandcuddly

Mrs. Stephens was my favorite teacher solely for her kindness and how much she believes in me. #lovethiswoman

Leslie is super lame but has funny jokes. #lol

Not completely sure what this was for, but the handwriting was pretty. #noteverythingisacompetition

Something square as well as a book with an awesome, non psychopathic leader on the cover. #kimjungew

Something pretty in a dark place. #schoolisthedarkplace

Circle seat ft. mine and Callie's fine choice in footwear. #finechoiceinfootwear

Nostalgic about the two years of cheer leading i put into this place but glad its over. #funwhileitlasted

1 comment:

  1. I will always see teddy bear faces in the commons now! And I will think of you! Thanks, Ashlie!
