Friday, March 20, 2015

Poems for Paintings: Freddie Ardley

The street corner stands
between a guy and a gal.
Creating a force field
withstanding the laws
that "man and women will not touch".
And in a world like this
humans don't feel what makes us alive.
Creating a world
for the spiritually lifeless immortals inside.

The story of the man
seen in the smoke
is a far fetched tale
about an ordinary bloke. 
The man lived alone
with nothing to call his own.
He tried and he tried 
but could never break free.
Sobbing and unhappy
he lights a match 
so he can never be sappy,

 so he will never be back.

1 comment:

  1. I like both of these--that first one sets up an interesting premise for a short story or even a whole book.
